KVSS Spirit Catholic Radio 102.7 FM
Programs and Announcers
Mother Angelica Classics, The Journey Home, Rosary for Marriage & Family - With Sr. Mary Lucy, Rosary for Vocations - With our Bishops and Seminarians, Rosary with Mother Angelica and the Nuns of OLAM, Fathers Know Best - Bishop Robert Barron, Fr. Larry Richards, Fr. John Riccardo and Fr. Benedict Gro, Daily Mass from Christ the King - Omaha, Christ is the Answer - With Fr. John Riccardo, EWTN News Nightly, Open Line Live | Divine Mercy Chaplet & Devotionals (2:55pm), Fathers Know Best - With Fr. John Riccardo, Larry Richards, Bishop Robert Barron, Benedict Groeschel, Son Rise Morning Show Live, Spirit Mornings - With Bruce McGregor and Jen Brown, Called to Communion | Live, Catholic Answers Live, Fire on the Earth - With Peter Herbeck, The Doctor Is In | Live, Kresta in the Afternoon Live, Food for the Journey - With Sr. Ann Shields, Rosary for Priests - With Msgr. Peter Dunne, Women of Grace - With Johnnette Benkovic Williams, Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie, Where God Weeps, Scripture & Tradition, The Great Adventure Bible Study - With Jeff Cavins, More 2 Life Live - With Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, Divine Mercy Chaplet & Devotionals, Register Radio, Discerning Hearts - With Chris McGregor, Family Theater, Vatican Insider, Witness | Local Youth Program, Rosary for Vocations - With Bishops and Seminarians, Encounter, Sunday Night Prime, The Great Adventure - With Jeff Cavins, Fr. Larry Richards, The Catholic Cafe, Fr. Spitzer's Universe, EWTN, Celtic Connections, Light of the East, This is Our Fate - With Fr. James Netusil, Holiness Helpers, Ready to Stand, Stories from the Heart, Blessed to Play, Bishop Robert Barron, Best of Called to Communion, Threshold of Hope, Trending, Best of Catholic Answers, Inside the Pages, EWTN Bookmark, Icons Impact, Ready to Stand (Encore), The Church Alive - With Brian Patrick, Dr. Matthew Bunson and Fr. Thomas Petri, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, Dr. Matthew Bunson - Doctors of the Church, Dynamic Catholic, Regnum Novum, Vocation Boom Radio LIVE, The Good Fight Live - With Barbara McGuigan, EWTN LIVE, Christopher Close Up, Msgr. John Esseff - Building Kingdom of Love, Divine Intimacy, Sunday Mass from EWTN Chapel Live, In the Heartland - With Bishop Pates of Des Moines, EWTN Live Encore, Serra Mass for Shut-Ins, Dr. Anthony Lilles
Frequencies FM
- Columbus : 99.3 FM
- Columbus : 99.3 FM
- Columbus : 99.3 FM
- Columbus : 99.3 FM
- Columbus : 99.3 FM
- Columbus : 99.3 FM
- Lincoln : 102.7 FM
- Lincoln : 102.7 FM
- Lincoln : 102.7 FM
- Lincoln : 102.7 FM
- Lincoln : 102.7 FM
- Lincoln : 102.7 FM
- York : 102.5 FM
- York : 102.5 FM
- York : 102.5 FM
- York : 102.5 FM
- York : 102.5 FM
- York : 102.5 FM
Website: http://spiritcatholicradio.com/